Our photographers share talent, an eye for the extraordinary and the drive for perfection

Lumen Photo's staff will be on summer break from July 20 through August 5, and our offices will be closed. During this time our team will not be available by phone or email. Of course you will still be able to access our image bank with your existing image bank account as usual. Have a happy summer!  

Pictured: Dutch sportsman Kjeld Nuis, lensed by Carmen Kemmink

Trending Kjeld

JULY 16 • Dutch actress and singer  Wieteke van Dort died on Monday. This her family announced this today. Van Dort is best known for her alter ego "Tante Lien," from the Late Nite Lien Show: the old Indian lady who invariably greeted her audience with the well-known "Dear folks. Van Dort received numerous awards including an Edison, a Nipkowschijf and several gold records. She had been seriously ill for some time and lived to be 81. 

Among Other Shody Careman and Rogier Veldman (image) lensed Wieteke van Dort.

Trending Dort

JULY 09 • Discover Lumen Photo's latest photo collection: the strking portraiture of the talented photographer Annabel Oosteweeghel. Annabel studied Design at the Academy of Fine Arts Sint-Joost. Because of her film background, her photographs are more than images; her photographs tell a story. She has published in New York Times Magazine, NRC, Elle and Volkskrant Magazine, among others. Her work is also shown in museums including Museum de Fundatie.

Discover the photography of Annabel Oosteweeghel in our image gallery.

Trending Oosteweeghel

01 JULI • De bedfaamde Albanese romanschrijver Ismail Kadaré is maandag overleden in de hoofdstad Tirana. Dat maakte zijn uitgever bekend. Kadaré vergaarde internationale bekendheid met zijn roman De generaal van het dode leger uit 1963 en werd meer dan eens genomineerd voor de Nobelprijs voor de Literatuur. Hij won deze prijs nooit. Kadaré werd 88 jaar.

Fraaie portretfoto's door fotografen Francesco Gattoni (foto), John Foley en Hannah Assouline. 

Trending Kadare

JUNE 24 • At Lumen Photo from now on you will find the gorgeous photo collection of talented photographer Duco de Vries. Duco studied in New York and at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. His work is being published by a broad range of media titles. Besides editorial assignments Duco also works for commercial clients. When not working on commission, he works on both short and long term photographic projects of his own; Duco has published several photo books.

Explore the photography of Duco de Vries in our image bank.

Trending Hofman 2

JUNE 20 • Actrress Lies Visschedijk is set to play one of the lead roles in Nemesis, the first Dutch-language drama series on Disney+. This was announced by the American steaming service this week. The crime series Nemesis is based on the book of the same name by author Simon de Waal. The series is set in the world of criminal money.

Photographers  Dafne Ederveen (image) and Lin Woldendorp lensed Visschedijk.

Trending Visschedijk

JUNI 19 • Dutch writer and visual artist Jan Cremer has passed away Tuesday at the age of 84. This was reported by his publisher, De Bezige Bij. "We are intensely saddened and deeply affected by his death. With this the Netherlands loses an icon, who changed art and literature profoundly." Cremer became known in 1964 for the book Ik Jan Cremer.

Among others, Lumen Photo's Corbino, Daniel Cohen en Jitske Schols lensed the celebrated writer and artist.

Trending Jan Cremer

JUNE 11 • BBB MP Mona Keijzer confirmed today that she will have a place in the new government to be formed. She did not disclose which position she will assume. The BBB politician was previously State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate in the Rutte III cabinet, when she was still a member of the CDA. She was dismissed by then-Prime Minister Mark Rutte for making negative comments in media about the administration's corona policy at the time.

Photographer Bram Petraeus, among others, photographed Mona Keijzer.

Trending Keijzer

28 MEI • Topambtenaar Dick Schoof is door politicus Geert Wilders naar voren geschoven als kandidaat-premier voor de nieuwe Nederlandse regering. Dat meldden diverse media dinsdag. De 67-jarige Schoof is oud-topman van de geheime dienst, ex-Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding & Veiligheid en voormalig directeur van de Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND). Op dit moment is Schoof de hoogste ambtenaar op het ministerie van Justitie & Veiligheid.

Lumen Photo's Roger Cremers portretteerde schoof eerder dit jaar.

Trending Schoof

MAI 07 •  Dutch comedian Freek de Jong  turns 80 this summer. To celebrate the occasion, De Jonge is coming out with a new book and, at a later date, a new theater tour. Freek de Jonge's book De Zeeland Jaren is the third volume in a series of autobiographical novels. The book follows De Jonge's life in the 1960s and will be published in June.

Among others, Jan Mulders (photo) very strikingly depicted De Jonge.

Trending De Jonge

APRIL 30 • Just in: recent and gorgeous portrait series by Lumen Photo photographer Ilja Keizer. Ilja shot in both his studio and on location in Belgium and the Netherlands a series of beautiful new portrait series of Dutch and Flemish artists. Among others, Ilja photographed actor Joes Brauers, actress Sophie Bouquet (photo), actor Thibaud Dooms and singer & dancer Misha Demoustier

Find out more about the Photography of Ilja Keizer here.

Trending Bouquet

APRIL 26 • Dutch television host Dieuwertje Blok has been diagnosed with cancer and will stop making TV programs. This Blok mentions today in an interview with daily newspaper de Volkskrant. As a consequence of the disease, the presenter is undergoing a nose amputation. She is therefore withdrawing from public life. Blok does not know whether she will return to television.

Lumen Photo’s Manon van der Zwaal and Shody Careman (photo) Lensed Dieuwertje Blok. 

Trending Presentatrice

APRIL 25 • Former diplomat and Dutch Minister for Development Jan Pronk is working on two new books about Africa. This was announced by the 84-year-old Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) politician in the radio show Nooit Meer Slapen. In both books Pronk will recount personal stories about his experiences on and with the African continent. More recently he published the book Kijk niet weg about world's struggle with current major problems.

Jan Pronk was photographed by Lumen Photo's Martin Dijkstra.

Trending Pronk

APRIL 24 • Dutch singer S10 has been followed for several years for a new documentary. In S10-dat het goed blijft gaan met mij the popular singer gives "a vulnerable glimpse into her life." The EO-produced documentary by directors Linda Hakeboom and Rolf Hartogensis will be aired in May during the European Mental Health Week and, according to broadcaster EO, is "a moving portrait of a young woman taking her career to the next level in the eye of the storm."

Among others, Lin Woldendorp (photo) photographed S10.

Trending S10

APRIL 24 • In mid-May, book publisher Prometheus  will publish Ik ben vrij, the follow-up to Lale Güls Ik ga leven. In her new book, the Dutch writer looks back on the first years of her new life - after the overwhelming success of her literary debut. Ik ga leven sold 325,000 copies. Gül's book won her the NS Publieksprijs and the Pim Fortuyn Prize, among others.

Lumen Photo's Ilja Keizer photographed Lale earlier this month. Ilja's previously unpublished photoshoot can be found in our image library.

Trending Gul

APRIL 24 • Dutch comedian Jandino Asporaat returns to the theater in the forthcoming season. With his new show Therapy, he will be touring more than a hundred theaters in the Netherlands and Belgium. The 43-year-old comedian calls Therapy his "most personal show to date.'' The show calls at a number of large venues, such as the Brabanthallen, Rotterdam Ahoy and AFAS Live.

Portraoiture by Erik Smits (image), Corné van der Stelt and Shody Careman, among others.

Trending Asporaat

APRIL 20 • Prominent American philosopher Daniel Dennett has died at the age of 82. Dennett specialized in consciousness, philosophy of mind and artificial intelligence. Dennett assumed that everything in the world is scientifically explainable and that nothing exists outside of it. He was awarded an honorary doctorate at Amsterdam University in the Netherlands and received the Erasmus Prize in 2012.

Lumen Photo's Martin Dijkstra lensed Daniel Dennett.

Trending Dennett

APRIL 18 • The popular Dutch television program Spoorloos is getting a new presenter after almost thirty years. Broadcaster KRO-NCRV wants to refresh the TV show's concept. In the new set-up of Spoorloos the current presenter, Derk Bolt, does not fit in. This the broadcaster announced today. "After thirty years as presenter of Spoorloos the road ends here for me, unfortunately," Bolt said in response to KRO-NCRV's intention. The Dutch TV presenter will focus on new procjects.

Lumen Photo's photographer Linelle Deunk photographed Derk Bolt.

Trending Bolt

APRIL 17 • At the stroke of midnight on April 17, the new book by British-Indian writer Salman Rushdie was released worldwide. In Knife, Rushdie looks back for the first time at the attack on his life in the summer of 2022. Rushdie was attacked with a knife just before a lecture in upstate New York and has since been blind in one eye and paralyzed in one hand.

Photographer Beowulf Sheehan (image) photographed Salman Rushdie on several occasions. You can find these and more stunning portraits of Rushdie in our image bank.

Trending Rushdie

APRIL 15 • Meet our new photo collection: the beautiful portraits of passionate portrait photographer Renée de Groot. Renée photographs for very diverse clients, including, for example, the magazines LINDA, Vrij Nederland and multimedia platform &C. Her photography focuses on capturing the essence of her subjects, while her use of light-fastness gives a certain serenity to her images.

Explore Renée de Groot's work in our image lbank.

Trending De Groot

APRIL 09 • Dutch author Jente Posthuma has been nominated for the International Booker Prize. She is on the shortlist of the prestigious British literature prize with her book What I'd Rather Not Think About. The International Booker Prize is annually awarded to books that have been translated into English. What I'd Rather Not Think About is about twins, one of whom takes her own life. 

Jente Posthuma was lensed by Frank Ruiter (image), Jitske Schols, Ivo van der Bent and Valentina Vos.

Trending Jente

APRIL 02 • Dutch music group Goldband will be live on stage at the venue Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam on November 08. Goldband will perform new work then as well. Besides the  the Ziggo Dome concert the band consisting of Boaz Kok, Karel Gerlach and Milo Driessen will also perform at the Sportpaleis in Antwerp and at the festivals Lowlands (Netherlands), Pukkelpop (Belgium) and Sziget (Hungary). Goldband won the Nederlandse Popprijs in 2023 and later that year racked up three 3FM Awards and three Edisons

Lumen Photo's Anne Claire de Breij, Carmen Kemmink (image) and Lin Woldendorp photographed the band.

Trending Goldband 01

FEBRUARY 28 • Dutch singer, media personality and former nude model Patricia Paay will celebrate her seventy-fifth birthday on March 7. Paay made her television debut in 1966 on the first broadcast night of the then new TV broadcaster the TROS. Lumen Photo's Govert de Roos, nestor of Dutch glamour photography, lensed Paay several times throughout the '70s, '80s, '90s and '00s.

Govert's iconic portraiture of Paay - as well as more recent work by photo duo Dario & Misja (image) - can be found in our image bank.

Trending Paay

FEBRUARY 14 • Kim Putters, chairman of the Social Economic Council, has been nominated by PVV party leader Geert Wilders as the new informateur. This became clear during the Lower House debate Wednesday. Kim Putters, member of the Partij van de Arbeid (Dutch Labour Party), must get the stalled process of forming a new Dutch government afloat. 

Lumen Photo's Frank Ruiter, Jiri Büller and Kiki Groot (image) lensed Putters.

Trending Putters

FEBRUARI 02 • Dutch poet des Vaderlands Babs Gons will be the recipient of this year's Gouden Ganzenveer. The writer and spoken word artist receives the award for her efforts "to grow the world of spoken word poetry and make it known to a wide audience", according to the Academy's De Gouden Ganzenveer, which presents the award. Jet Bussemaker, former politician and president of the academy, announced the winner NPO Radio 1.

Fabulous portraiture by among others Lumen Photo's Valentina Vos (image).

Trending Gons2

JANUARY 18 • Dutch TV presenter and journalist Eva Jinek has written a new book; in Droom groot No. 2 (a follow-up to her 2021 book Droom groot), Jinek speaks with more than 20 individuals whom she "personally admires because of their extraordinary achievements." Among the personalities Jinek spoke to are actress Carice van Houten, scientist Beatrice de Graaf and theater producer Daria Bukvić. The book will be released next month.

Among others, Lumen Photo photographers Carmen Kemmink (image) and Aisha Zeijpveld stylishly portrayed Eva Jinek.

Trending Jinek

JANUARY 17 • A new year and wonderful new photography. Just in in our image bank: many beautiful and recent portraits shot by our photographers.

Carmen Kemmink lensed actress Hadewych Minis. Lin Woldendorp photographed singer Ki/Ki and Valentina Vos made a stunning series of images of presenter Linda Hakeboom. Photographer Erik Smits shot some handsome photos of singer Sophie Straat (image).

Trending Sophie Straat

JANUARY 10 • Renaissance politician Gabriel Attal is not only France's new prime minister, he is also the youngest and first openly gay man to hold the office. Attal, previously Education Minister succeeds Elisabeth Borne, who announced her resignation and that of her government. Attal moved into the Hôtel de Matignon, the French prime minister's official residence, on Tuesday. 

Attal was aptly portrayed by photographer Denis Allard. 

Trending Attal 2

JANUARY 09 •  Ahmed Aboutaleb, the internationally renowned mayor of the Dutch port city of Rotterdam, will step down next fall. He marks 15 years as the city's mayor this week and will not complete his third term. He announces ''that after fifteen years it is time to make way for new talent.'' Aboutaleb was widely praised in international media for his sometimes unorthodox approach to metropolitan issues. The City Mayors Foundation previously praised him as ''the best mayor in the world.'' 

Magnificent portraits by, among others, Lumen Photo's Corbino, Jiri Büller, Erik Smits (image) and Kiki Groot.

Trending Ahmed Aboutaleb

JANUARY 10 •  Dutch caretaker Health Minister Ernst Kuipers is leaving the Cabinet as of today. He will be holding ''an as yet unknown position abroad.'' King Willem-Alexander today granted the politician and physician an honorable discharge. Kuipers said he submitted his resignation "with a heavy heart" "because I would have liked to have finished the term."

Lumen Photo's Martin Dijkstra (image) and Marcel Bakker, among others, lensed the politician.

Trending Kuipers

DECEMBER 29 •  Dutch journalist and Russia correspondent  Iris de Graaf will be one of NOS News's new news anchors in 2024. De Graaf was reporting from Moscow since 2020, until the chief editors of NOS News recalled her for security reasons. The chief editors of NOS News are ''pleased that a reporter with De Graaf's internationalexperience is joining the newsroom presentation team.'' 

Photographer Lin Woldendorp (image) lensed Iris de Graaf.

Trending Graaf
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